Market Place redevelopment works get underway to support town centre regeneration in Great Yarmouth

Redevelopment of Great Yarmouth’s Market Place is getting underway, as the borough council’s exciting vision of town centre regeneration and revitalisation starts to become a reality for residents and visitors.

Great Yarmouth Market Place Redevelopment

This £4.6m investment will see the market facilities significantly improved in the heart of the Market Place area, with new units under an architecturally-striking wooden canopy – a unique design that will mean the market is brighter, more inviting and compliments the historic setting.

This major investment comes from the council itself, plus funding secured by the council from the Future High Streets Fund. Alongside the new six-day market facilities, there are plans for landscaping and public realm improvements within the wider Market Place area, supported via the Future High Streets Fund.

Cllr Carl Smith and Cllr Trevor Wainwright, leaders of the main political groups, said: “The council’s significant investment to improve the Market Place is a key part of our vision to revitalise and regenerate the town centre as a community, cultural and economic hub.

“The start of works is an exciting milestone the council has been working hard towards, with planning permission, a full funding package and a contractor now in place. People can look forward to a brighter, more inviting market in the heart of the historic Market Place, with improved market facilities and a unique design which complements the historic setting, supports the market itself and the wider town centre.

“Over the next three to four years, more than £200m of public sector investment is going into Great Yarmouth, of which we’ve secured £42m in the last seven months alone. The Great Yarmouth Market Place redevelopment marks the start in earnest of the town centre regeneration, complementing our new Marina Centre and the Third River Crossing already underway.”

Officers have worked with traders to reflect their feedback in the design, layout, stall requirements and the management of works. Notably, the council is taking a phased approach to building the new market facilities and demolishing the outdated facilities in separate sections.

This phasing allows traders under the existing covered market to continue operating from their current stalls during construction works, with those traders relocating directly to occupy brand new stalls in three separate phases, in summer, autumn and winter.

Access will be maintained to the Market Place car park, though the southern third has become the site compound, with a walkway maintaining access to the northern entrance of the existing six-day market facilities. The two-day market traders will relocate temporarily from this Saturday to the Market Square events area to the south.

Impressive site hoardings will be installed with images telling the story of Great Yarmouth Market Place redevelopment through the centuries, along with artist’s impressions of the new market facilities and historical facts.

From Great Yarmouth Borough Council

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